
students from the Theological Studies major sitting in chapel

我们的神学硕士课程是 “黄金标准” 对于牧师学位. 它的目的是 装备神国度的工人 对于一个 各种各样的职业部长角色, 包括当地教堂, 基督教辅助机构, 任务, 和牧师(e.g. 军事、医院).



我们的神学硕士课程是 “黄金标准” 对于牧师学位. 它的目的是 装备神国度的工人 对于一个 各种各样的职业部长角色, 包括当地教堂, 基督教辅助机构, 任务, 和牧师(e.g. 军事、医院).


  • A cohort model with classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays because 在一个繁荣的社区里,我们学得最好.
  • Because master-level education should build upon a solid foundation, 课程设置以高级课程为特色 avoiding the repetition of undergraduate introductory courses.
  • 学生学习圣经, 神学, and 实用 神学 in paired courses across disciplines because 现实生活中的事工需要综合思考.
  • We have an engaging flipped classroom approach for biblical languages 因为我们在试验和错误的安全空间里学得最好.
  • Students develop their leadership skills in three apprenticeships, serving under a ministry leader and gaining over 450 hours of hands-on experience because 从业者需要有意识的练习.
  • Students are able to meet 对于一个 weeklong intensive course with senior scholars and community pastors/leaders because 我们相信学术神学属于教会.


** In 2020, 例如, the course Lament: Then and Now brought together senior scholars, 当地的牧师, 辅导员, 以及社区领袖, 在敬拜的领域中反映神学, 门徒, 咨询, 社区参与. In 2015, the course Epistle of James and an “Urban Plunge” brought together New Testament studies and theological reflection, as students traveled to Miami to explore how ministries are serving the disadvantaged, 流离失所的, 和脆弱.


MDiv students have a unique opportunity to develop and integrate theological knowledge and pastoral skills in a wide variety of clinical contexts through 临床教牧教育(CPE), 包括:

  • 医院
  • 延伸护理设施
  • 社会服务组织
  • 的社会组织
  • 公理的设置


  • 神学硕士/工商管理硕士
  • 神学硕士/理学硕士.S.临床心理健康咨询
  • 神学硕士/理学硕士.S.,领导
  • 神学硕士/理学硕士.A.、跨文化研究
  • 神学硕士/理学硕士.A.《拼搏体育官网》


  • Bivocational部
  • 在教会或非营利性事工中担任志愿领导
  • 进一步的圣经研究或神学研究生工作


  • New annual $2,000 scholarship 你 may be eligible to receive
  • 研究生工作机会


  • 《拼搏体育》翻译
  • 跨文化研究
  • 圣经及神学研究
  • 宗教哲学


Because the MDiv emphasizes the integrated nature of the academic study and practical ministry, students will serve in three apprenticeships under an approved supervisor. PBA尽一切努力帮助这些学生 寻找有意义的学徒机会 that will contribute to their growth in their specific callings.


我们的学习社区每年都会聚集在一起 信仰与文化论坛. For this daylong event, we invite scholars and leaders to our campus to 处理当代重要问题. 2020年的论坛是“种族主义对话:回顾,展望.“我们欢迎杰马尔·提斯比(Jemar Tisby) 妥协的颜色)、牧师博士. 约翰·努涅斯(纽约康考迪亚学院校长)和约翰·努涅斯博士. Oscar Garcia-Johnson (Assistant Provost for the Center of the Study of Hispanic Church, 富勒神学院).

The final evening was a panel discussion held at the historic Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church and included community leaders and pastors. 2020年论坛的主题是“战争与和平”.” We welcomed Professor Nigel Biggar (University of Oxford), Dr. J. Daryl Charles (Acton Institute),博士. 詹娜·亨特-鲍曼(门诺派圣经神学院)和约翰博士. 迈尔斯·沃恩兹(洛格斯登神学院). 分组讲座涵盖了移民等主题, 人道主义干涉, 无人机战争, 和调解.

At the heart of what we do each week, however, is community chapel and lunch. 礼拜堂由一个学生礼拜堂小组领导, and we draw in local community leaders to speak into the lives of our students. 在敬拜, 我们继续我们的社区午餐团契, 由学校提供(按补贴价格). Students and faculty share their lives with one another around the table.


Dr. 布列塔尼N. 梅尔顿


Dr. 布列塔尼N. 梅尔顿(博士, Cambridge) is delivering the 2020 Tyndale Old Testament Lecture, 《拼搏体育》.她目前正在写 新手册上的智慧书籍和诗篇 (Baker 学术) and a commentary on Esther (Bible in God’s World Series; Cascade). Dr. 梅尔顿 serves as Co-Chair of the Tyndale Fellowship Old Testament Group, 是ETS智慧委员会的成员吗, 是普罗维登西亚教会(ECO长老会)的长老。. 


Dr. 瑞安Gladwin


Dr. 瑞安Gladwin(博士,爱丁堡)是 拉丁美洲新教神学之流 (布里尔)和即将到来的 Towards a Liberating Latin American Ecclesiology: The Local Church as a Transformative Historical Project (故事). He has numerous chapters in edited books and has broad research interests that include Latin American and Latinx religion and theology, Anabaptism, Pentecostalism, Christian ethics, and practical theology. He has served with the Mennonite USA South Eastern Conference among the Latinx community and in activism for issues of immigration and racial reconciliation. 他是美国宗教学会的成员, 基督教伦理协会, 以及拉丁美洲神学兄弟会. 格拉德温博士也是广管局的协调员, Ministry (Spanish) and the Christian Social Ministry Program.

Dr. 凯西·麦克斯韦


Dr. 凯西·麦克斯韦博士, Baylor) teaches students the biblical storytelling technique as a fresh approach to critical study, as well as for reaching a wide range of people with the story of God. 她是……的成员 国际圣经故事讲述者网络, for which she was the annual keynote speaker in 2019, and she contributes to 圣经表演批评. 整整八年, she served on the Steering Committee for the SBL Section on Performance Criticism and the Bible and Other Ancient Texts. Locally, she is on the planning committee for PBA’s national 艺术讲故事大会, in its third year, which focuses on different modes of storytelling (e.g. fiction, non-fiction, painting, sculpture, dance, journalism). 地区教会和社区团体定期邀请Dr. Maxwell to tell biblical stories and to train others to do the same. She attends Community of Hope, the fastest growing UMC church in America.



  1. Earn a baccalaureate degree in Christian Ministry or Biblical Studies from a regionally accredited institution or a baccalaureate degree in another major with successful completion of 24 hours of specified, pre-requisite coursework on the undergraduate or graduate level
  2. 达到本科累计最低GPA 2.75分或以上,4分.0规模

整个M的估计学费.Div. 项目费用为41,580美元*. This includes tuition for 72 credit hours ($515 per credit) and the Resource Fee ($298 per semester). This is based on the two-year full-time accelerated degree plan.

*Cost based on 2019-2020 fee schedule and is subject to change. 可能会收取额外费用.

Financial aid may include work study programs and student loans. 学生必须每年申请经济援助 www.fafsa.ed.政府 确定资格. 联系 finaid@dftractor.com 所有的财务问题.

Classes are available on-campus in 西拼搏体育 and also as a hybrid platform, combining synchronous online with periodic study weeks in 西拼搏体育.



电话: (561) 803-2082

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我们的故事 是成长,我们邀请吗 成为它的一部分!


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